
Resources and Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Naxos OD—Commonly Asked Questions

  • A Naxos OD responder is a community member who responds to people who use drugs (PWUD) or those who care about them when they request harm reduction supplies, connection to services, crisis response in the event of an overdose, or a compassionate companion. Each community decides what services to offer and how to train thier responders.

  • After downloading the app, anyone can use it to request help if they observe an overdose and are in an area where the app has been launched. When a request for help is sent, those within a small radius who are registered on the app as responders and are active will receive a notification that an overdose is in progress. They will then have a chance to respond and receive a detailed map to the overdose requestor’s location. The app will allow up to 3 responders to answer the call for help.

  • Many people fear that calling 911 will result in a police response and possible arrest. This causes people not to call, even when someone’s life is in danger.

    A person who uses unregulated substances may have many reasons to not call 911:

    • They may be hiding their drug use and do not want family, friends, or an employer to find out.

    • They may fear backlash for calling 911 (a dealers house, a drug acquaintance or the overdosed person themselves).

    • They may fear arrest for other crimes that are not protected from good samaritan laws

    • They may not want to be pressured into going to the ER if they OD for fear of costs or being shamed

  • Talk to your local community leaders about how your neighborhood could use Naxos OD to save lives. We have many partners who support our work including institutions of higher ed, harm reduction organizations, and treatment providers

  • Naxos OD is available on the Google Play Store for android and the App Store for iPhone.

Naxos Responders—Commonly Asked Questions

  • Anyone! You can become a responder by signing up on our website if you live in the South Bend area.

  • Naxos OD responders in South Bend will receive in-person training on how to use the app, how to respond to an overdose and how to make referrals to harm reduction and other services.

  • If you feel unsafe, you can call 911 or wait for another responder. You can also leave Narcan or other supplies near the scene and notify the requester. We never want anyone to enter a situation where they don’t feel safe.

  • All active responders within a 1 mile radius of the requestor will receive a notification.

  • Yes, you can set your status to “Active” when you want to be notified of requests for help in your area. You can also set your status to “Inactive” if you do not want to be notified.

  • App users should always call 911. This is the only way to get the overdosed person the medical care they need to ensure they fully recover. This is also important for the responder’s safety and protection under Aaron’s law in Indiana. Naxos OD allows the requester to get help without calling 911 by having the responder make the call.

  • It’s essential that someone stay with the overdosed person. Naloxone will wear off in 30-90 minutes and the individual may be at risk for a second overdose. We recommend the 3 C’s of overdose reversal: Comfort, Caution and Connect

    Caution The person who overdosed may want to use more drugs to reduce withdrawal symptoms from naloxone. However, addition opioids will NOT reduce symptoms because naloxone has blocked their opioid receptors. Furthermore, using more opioids will put them at greater risk for a second overdose once the naloxone wears off. Do your best to communicate this during the 1.5 hour window.

    Comfort and Connect: Most likely the person will not be aware that they have overdosed. This can cause confusion and fear. Reassure the person that they are safe and that they overdosed. Provide them items that can provide relief such as a blanket, water, common over-the-counter meds for diarrhea, upset stomach, pain relief, etc. Connect them to resources they ask for to stay safe.

  • Naxos OD will allow up to 3 responders to receive directions to the requestor location. 

Opioid Overdose—Commonly Asked Questions

  • Although the US has experienced a 10% decline in overdose deaths year-to-date as of April 2024, we are still losing 100,00 lives to overdose in the US every year. 

    • Unable to awaken by shouting or rubbing hard on chest

    • Blue lips or skin

    • Gurgling or choking sounds

    • Shallow or slow breathing

    • Pinpoint pupils

  • The CDC estimates that 42% of overdoses happen with a bystander nearby; however, only 30% of bystanders in these cases administer Narcan.

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  • An overdose victim can relapse and overdose again. All bystanders should call 911 so that every overdosed person gets the medical care they need. A person experiening an overdose should not be left unattended for the next 90 mins after naloxone is administered. If the bystander is willing to stay with the person, this is an opportunity to make a connection, share resources the person requests and provide comfort and support.

Naloxone—Commonly Asked Questions

  • Naloxone reverses the effects of an opioid overdose by knocking the opioids off brain receptors. The breathing of a person who is overdosing can slow or stop, resulting in death. Naloxone can restore normal respiration to the person, preventing brain damage or death.

  • Naloxone has no effect on someone who has no opioids in their system. It will only help someone who is overdosing on opioids, but it will not hurt them if they are not using opioids. Studies have proven that naloxone is so safe, it can be administered without any safety concerns. When in doubt, use naloxone.

  • Purchase at a pharmacy

    Receive from a Narcan distribution agency like Nextdistro or Overdose Lifeline

    Receive from a Naloxbox or Narcan vending machine in your area

  • Narcan is the brand name of the generic drug naloxone. Naloxone is available through a nasal spray such as Narcan, and intramuscular injection.

  • It is very easy to administer Narcan.  Hold the Narcan between your index and middle finger with your thumb on the plunger.  Insert the nozzle into the victim’s nostril until your fingers touch the bottom of their nose.  Push the plunger with your thumb until it stops. Wait 2-3mins. If the person does not start breathing, administer another dose.

  • An ‘effective dose’ of Narcan varies. If you are responding to an opioid overdose emergency and the individual does not become responsive 2-3 minutes after receiving Narcan, use another dose. 

  • If a person is dependent on opioids, the more naloxone they get, the sicker they will be when they come out of the overdose. Vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, chills, anxiety will be more sever the more Narcan given. Never given Narcan repeatedly without waiting 2-3 minutes between doses. Avoid high dose naloxone products if possible. Be sure the person doesn’t aspirate (inhale) vomit by putting them in the rescue position if they’re unable to sit up. If a person is in withdrawal explain that their withdrawal symptoms will begin to fade in a half hour or so.

  • Depending on how much opioids the person has in their system, they could experience a second potentially fatal overdose because the naloxone wears off in about 30-90 minutes. For this reason, we recommend the individual seek medical attention to ensure they are in the company of someone with additional naloxone in case a second overdose occurs. It’s also important for the person experiencing an overdose not to take any more drugs or alcohol within (at least) a 90 minute period. If you are unable to seek medical assistance, and can not stay with the person yourself, ensure they are in the company of an individual who is aware of the situation and has more naloxone.

How To Videos

How To

Use Naxos OD as an Overdose Response App

How To

Use a Fentanyl Test Strip

An online platform that provides resources and tools designed to enhance flexibility and adaptability in various aspects of life.









