Checking Unregulated Drugs

Services / Drug Checking

Harm reduction through education

What is Drug Checking?

Drug checking is a form of harm reduction that involves chemically analyzing unregulated drugs or drug residue to understand what contaminants are in local drugs.

Why is There a Need for Drug Checking?

Street drugs are no longer what they used to be

Most communities have seen the entrance of contaminants in the unregulated supply of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, Adderall, Xanax and many other drugs. Street drugs are no longer what they appear to be. Those selling and using drugs are often unaware of what they are selling or using.

Illustration pencil sketch of hands cupped together

How Does the Project Work?

People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) or people willing to educate PWUD come to a drug checking training

Participants receive take-home test kits. Test strips in the kit are used to test drugs for immediate results

The used test strips are then sent to Lieberman labs at the University of Notre Dame for a more in-depth analysis of other contaminants

Results from lab testing are released anonymously in the Naxos OD app for any community member to view

How Does Drug Checking Help?

What education can do for your community

If we rely on the work of coroners, law enforcement, or medical professionals to check for new contaminants, we may never find them because these labs doesn’t generally test for the presence of all possible substances.

Research shows that people who use drugs are more likely to throw away drugs or choose safer behaviors when they learn what is in them and what it means for their health.

We can use drug checking information to:

Reduce the harm caused to PWUD

Educate clinicians about how to offer more appropriate care to PWUD

Direct public health resources toward interventions that save lives such as public health alerts and overdose response plans

How Can I Participate?

If you are in St. Joseph County, IN

  • Download the app, Naxos OD

  • Get trained to have access to entering your results into the Naxos OD app

  • See the results as they are released and receive alerts related to overdose risks

If you are interested in drug checking in your community or partnering in some way, contact us at

Partner Testimonial

Our partner’s success story

A Notre Dame chemist decided to let the local community’s needs drive her scientific process and found herself in the fight against fentanyl.

Marya Lieberman decided to let the local community’s needs drive her scientific process. She found herself out of the lab and on the front lines of the opioid epidemic.

Your friendly neighborhood analytical chemist: If there is such a thing, Marya Lieberman embodies it…

Notre Dame Stories logo

Drug Checking Gallery

Shared moments from drug checking

Naxos scientist in lab testing drug checking
Naxos volunteers during drug checking session

Participant Testimonial

“I am a former heroin user and I have friends that still use and if I could save one of them by learning from this study it will have been worth it.”

This project was funded with support from the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute which is funded in part by Award Number UM1TR004402 from the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Clinical and Translational Sciences Award. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.